
Seminario Daniel Goya (Esc. Economía y Negocios, PUCV)

Lugar Sala 104, Campus Santiago

Fecha y Hora 11 junio 2019 12:00 a 13:00 hrs.

Presentador: Daniel Goya (Profesor Escuela de Economía y Negocios, PUCV)


Título del trabajo:
«The Role of Obstacles to Innovation on Innovative Outcomes: an Empirical Analysis»
(coautoreado con Andrés Zahler y Matías Caamaño)

We study the effect of different types of barriers to innovation (financial, demand, knowledge, market, cooperation, and regulatory barriers) on firm level innovation. Using a pooled sample of three Chilean innovation surveys, based on an instrumental variables approach, we find that the probability of generating innovation outcomes (technological and non-technological) is significantly reduced by demand and financial barriers. We also show that the role played by other barriers change when financial or demand barriers are present or absent. Finally, we provide evidence of heterogeneous effects across sectors, showing that knowledge obstacles are relevant for manufacturing and market structure obstacles for services, while demand and financial obstacles appear to matter across the board.